Cellular Analysis

Cellular Analysis

Our cellular analysis provides you with confidence in the number of cells, viability, and make up of cell subsets. This provides you a jumpstart in your research to have this information on hand along with the sample.

Cell Analysis Services

Cell Count and Viability - bright field and dual-fluorescence imaging provides quick and accurate results for cell count and viability

Flow Cytometry

  • T cell subset panel (CD45+, CD3+, CD4+, CD8+)

  • Lymphochyte subset panel (CD45+, CD3+, CD14+, CD19+, CD3-CD56/CD16+)

Biorepository Storage

We can store samples for you, especially over the course of a project so you can receive all your samples when you need them. Our storage facility can store from 4°C refrigeration to liquid nitrogen.

Compliance & Quality Assured

For quality and compliance related information, please visit Sanguine quality and compliance page.

For privacy related information, please visit Sanguine privacy policy page.