Human Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Biospecimens
Human Rheumatoid
Arthritis (RA) Biospecimens
Sanguine has a donor community of over 2500 individuals diagnosed with RA. We offer retrospective and prospective collections in a variety of formats - leukopaks, whole blood, PBMCs, plasma, and serum. Additional insight into the sample provided with comprehensive donor data.
Biospecimens from Sanguine are more than the sample
The following laboratory results are some of the information we find and provide with Sanguine's RA biospecimens to provide deeper insight for your studies.
- Presence of Rheumatoid Factor (RF)
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Liver function test
- Medications
Inclusion and Exclusion (I/E) Criteria
With our large donor network, we can accommodate many I/E criteria. For RA the swollen joint count and tender joint count can be used as an indicator of disease activity. During the screening process, we can obtain donor reported information about these clinical measurements. Additionally, preferences for I/E of particular medications is possible.

RA Leukopaks available fresh or cryopreserved in full- or half-pack.
*starting at $6800

Isolated, cryopreserved PBMCs from an RA leukopak.
*starting at $990 for 50M PBMCs, minimum vial requirement applies

Whole blood, serum, plasma, and more collected to meet your criteria.
*starting at $30/mL per visit including start-up fee

PBMCs ready to ship including donor data.
*starting at $495 for >5M PBMCs

Serum and Plasma
Plasma and serum ready to ship including donor data.
*$295/mL for
serum or plasma
*Pricing includes recruiting, sample collection, and provision of available medical records with confirmed diagnosis. Actual price will be influenced by complexity of I/E criteria and additional processing requirements.
Selected Rheumatoid Arthritis Publication
As each study has unique requirements, the below publication provides an example of how Sanguine has partnered to recruit, consent donors, and collect samples to fit our client's project needs. In Liu et al., the team needed PBMCs isolated from donors diagnosed with RA to develop a T cell proliferation assay. With our extensive Donor Network and comprehensive medical records, we can achieve your biospecimen needs.